Why Organic Matcha
Why Organic Matcha

We source only 100% pure organic Matcha green tea from the beautiful rolling hills of Kyoto.
While the Japanese farming community focuses heavily on healthy farming practices, if you are not using organic green tea, then you still may be consuming pesticides and insecticides. So, we work exclusively with Japanese certified organic farms to make sure we are only nourishing you with green goodness and nothing else.
We are dedicated to promoting the incredible benefits of organic matcha tea and can ensure ours isn’t contaminated by any pesticides, toxins or other nasties. In this crazily fast-paced, ever changing environment, food quality has become so crucial for our well-being and our focus has shifted to reducing the amount of chemicals and toxins we are exposed to in everyday life.

Our mission is to provide a premium
quality product while honouring
Matcha’s long standing cultural
and traditional history.

Our mission is to provide a premium
quality product while honouring
Matcha’s long standing cultural
and traditional history.

The traditional way of blending Matcha stems from the Chinese Zen Buddhist monks, whose practice of preparing and drinking powdered tea was ritualistic and meditative by nature. In the 11th century, this ritual was shared with the Japanese, who have been practising it ever since. In fact, the word Matcha actually comes from the Japanese language: “Ma” meaning rubbed or ground, and “cha” meaning tea.
The reason why Japanese Matcha is the golden standard is because the soil quality and characteristics around the world differ considerably to those in Japan, and these conditions allow very different Matcha powders to be born.

Check out the new Matcha Maiden range