Golden Grind “Nice” Cream

By Golden Grind

We have to thank @the_foodstylist for this one. So refreshing and so delicious

Almond Golden Blend Nice-Cream

Serves 6



If using an un-automatic ice cream churner, place the block in the freezer 24 hours prior.

  1. Blend all ingredients in a high speed blender, ensure there are no lumps in the mix. 
  2. Pour the mix into your ice cream maker and churn to manufacturers instructions.
  3. Whilst churning place your ice cream tin in the freezer to chill.
  4. Once the mix has churned transfer the mix into the chilled tin.
  5. The mix is ready to eat straight away for a softer texture, or place in the fridge for 2 hours for a firmer texture.
  6. Enjoy!
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